Delgado Property Management

Looking for a home to rent in Benicia, Vallejo, or Glen Cove? Delgado Property Management can help. Looking for a property manager to take care of your home, condo, or townhome? Delgado Property Management can help.

Our service is free to renters, so don't hesitate to contact us. For owners, rest assured that we ONLY work in property management and are experts in the industry. Contact us for a consultation on promising rental properties in our area.

With over 30 years of property management experience in Solano County, our mission is to provide the highest quality of service to both our owners/clients and our residents. We take great pride in our portfolio and in our long-term clients, as well as repeat clients, and see it as a reflection of the solid value that we provide.

So, don't wait! Call now and start enjoying your time instead of worrying about your investment home.

Delgado Property Management Information

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
